Mist on the DigitalOcean Marketplace

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We are happy to announce that Mist is now available on the DigitalOcean Marketplace. You can spin up our open source Community Edition and begin managing your multicloud infrastructure in just a few minutes!

Follow the instructions below to get started.


  1. Go to Mist's marketplace listing and click on Create Mist Droplet.

  2. Fill in the options required. We recommend a Droplet with at least 4 vCPUs and 8GB of RAM. Provisioning will take a few minutes. In the meantime, you can check out a video demo of Mist.

  3. Once the Droplet is running, connect to it over SSH with ssh root@your_droplet_public_ipv4.

  4. Go to the Mist folder with cd /mist and check if all Mist containers are up. This normally happens a couple of minutes after boot. You can check the status with docker-compose ps.

  5. Once all containers are up, run docker-compose exec api sh. This will drop you in the shell of a Mist container.

  6. In the shell, add an admin user with ./bin/adduser --admin myEmail@example.com. This will prompt you to enter a password.

  7. Everything is now ready. Visit http://your_droplet_public_ipv4:80 and login with the email and password you specified above.

  8. Once you log in to Mist, click on the Add your Clouds button, select DigitalOcean from the list of supported providers. You will need to provide your DigitalOcean API token and then click Add cloud. If you do not have an API token, read here how you can create one.

You are all set!

Your DigitalOcean cloud has been added and your resources will be auto-discovered by Mist in a few seconds.

You can repeat step (8) above to add more DigitalOcean accounts to Mist. You can also add any number of other clouds you are managing by following the relevant instructions. Mist supports more than twenty public and private clouds, hypervisors, container hosts and even bare metals.

Mist dashboard with DigitalOcean cloud added
Mist dashboard with DigitalOcean cloud added

Please note that new users will not be able to create an account through Mist's sign up form. We turn this off for security reasons. If you would like to enable it, edit ./settings/settings.py and set ALLOW_SIGNUP_EMAIL = True. Then, restart Mist with docker-compose restart.

In some cases, such as user registration, forgotten passwords, user invitations etc, Mist needs to send emails. By default, Mist is configured to use a mock mailer. For more information about mail mock and how to set up Mist with your existing email server, check out our docs.

If you would like to use a custom domain for your Mist installation, you will need to update Mist's CORE_URI.

Finally, it is strongly recommended to enable TLS.

We would love to hear your feedback at support@mist.io or on Github.