Thank You for Being Part of Our Journey

Bye and thanks for all the fish!

Today, with mixed emotions, we share the news of's acquisition by Dell. In December 2022, took a significant leap forward by joining Dell Technologies. It became an integral part of Dell's NativeEdge operations platform. This milestone represents not just the end of one chapter but the beginning of an exciting new one. Today, we are writing to share our reflections and bid farewell as

As we take this moment to reflect on the journey that brought us here, we want to extend our deepest thanks to each one of you who has been an integral part of our story. Our startup began as a vision, a dream to create something meaningful and innovative. From the outset, we knew that our success hinged on the support of an incredible community. Whether you were part of our team, a customer, or a supporter, your impact on our journey has been profound.

Thanking Our Exceptional Team

Behind every success story lies a team of exceptional individuals, and ours is no exception. To our talented and dedicated team members, thank you for your unwavering commitment. Your hard work, creativity, and resilience have been the driving force behind our accomplishments. As we embark on this new adventure with Dell, we carry the spirit of teamwork and innovation that you've instilled in our culture.

Thanking Our Valued Customers

To our loyal customers, who believed in our vision and trusted us with your business, thank you. Your feedback, support, and partnership have been the driving force behind our growth. We are immensely grateful for the relationships we've built and the opportunities you've provided.

Thanking Our Supporters

To our friends, families, and investors, your patience and dedication through hard times have propelled us forward. We celebrate your support and contributions. While our journey takes a new turn with Dell, we carry the lessons learned and the strong ties forged between us.

Welcoming a New Chapter with Dell

The decision to join forces with Dell was not made lightly. We believe that this strategic move will amplify our impact and pave the way for even greater achievements. Dell's global reach, technological expertise, and commitment to innovation align seamlessly with our mission. Together, we look forward to shaping the future of edge computing, through NativeEdge.

Impact at the edge

Together with Dell Technologies, we successfully developed and released NativeEdge this fall. NativeEdge is an edge operations platform designed to revolutionize the way businesses manage their edge computing needs and is a first of its kind in the market.

Impact on Mist Community Edition

Unfortunately, our current workload does not leave us any capacity to keep maintaining our open source offering. At the same time, Dell Technologies has no immediate plans to release new versions of the Mist Community Edition. The open source code will remain archived on and we will welcome any community efforts to bring it back to life.

Final Thoughts

In closing, we want to express our deepest gratitude. Thank you for being part of our journey, for your trust, and for contributing to the vibrant tapestry of our community. This is not a goodbye; it's a "see you later" as we embark on a new adventure with Dell. Together, We've built something extraordinary, and we can't wait to see what the future holds.